Saturday, July 01, 2006


So eggs are being cooked in kitchen...yummy! love them over easy so you can sop up yolk w/ toast. Although, soft-cooked eggs on toast on pretty tasteo as well! Souffles are tough to pull off & need to be served immediately. I made my dad a souffle one summer when I stayed with him. I was sixteen at time. I served homemade cheesecake with it. He was most impressed.

I am feeling pretty good today. A little spacey, but manageable just the same. Last night, Andy & I spent the evening with Marcel. Good conversation at Veni Vidi Vici & Lipari's. Love to chat with people.

Looks like my fabulous eggs are ready. must eat.

all for now.....


airplanejayne said...

I like my eggs over-medium.

-cause over-easy is too runnystickykindalikesnot.

but on a more positive note!!!

I luv cheesecake.

RACHEL said...

Thanks for visiting my nonsensical writing. Just so much damn fun!