Tuesday, February 13, 2007

These pictures reminded me of my reef tank that I had for over 5 years. At one point, this particular fish (copper banded butterfly)lived in it with bluefish (aka blue damsal) & misc others.

Copper banded butterfly are very difficult to care for and unfortunately he did not survive. However, Bluefish lived for almost 5 years. The interesting story surrounding bluefish is that he was on the verge of death because this yellow tang kept picking on him so much, but once I removed the tang from the tank, Bluefish recovered and returned to his old self.

I learned so much about creating an ecosystem for marine life in that time. Everything was alive inside the tank and dependant on each other for their survival. Right down to the tiny organisms you could only see floating around in the water at night using a flashlight. I really enjoyed that aspect of the entire experience of the tank. I had polyps, mushrooms, corals, anemones, snails, shrimp and various other organisms that assisted in some way of maintaining the tank. Live rock was essential to the system.

I find so many parallels between what I learned about reef tanks and personal responsibility. Everything that existed inside it, needed each other. It became very clear to me how each of us are connected to each other and that when we believe our actions or choices will not affect another person, we are lying to ourselves. That may appear to be a leap to some, but I honestly believe that nature is a model for us to learn from when we are uncertain how to make decisions in life. The answers to life are simple, but are difficult to face because we have so much that we do not wish to let go. Maybe in time we as a species will open our eyes and take care and value what we are fortunate to have.


Tish said...

Wow, what a terrific post! Very insightful!

When I was married (1994-1999), my husband had a marine tank. It was absolutely fascinating. I've always wanted to have one of my own, but I was never very involved with his aquarium. So I'd have to learn how to maintain a reef tank, and I know it's not easy! Btw, I LOVE Yellow Tangs! My favorite marine fish, however, is the Angel Fish. I think they are so beautiful!!

It's wonderful that you're so knowledgeable on marine life. So fascinating!!

Have a terrific night!

RACHEL said...

I am glad you enjoyed the post. It was fun to write. Funny how one topic can lead you down an unexpected road, so to speak. I really did dig having the tank!

Katie :) said...

I was just talking about something very similar last night (about life not the fish! :P ) How the idea behind life is simple, but human nature does not let us keep it as such.
If you take a step back, really try to see the whole picture and take a deep breath it all seems so much easier. Stepping away from things helps to bring clarity as well.
It is funny how the little things make us reflect on the big things! :)

airplanejayne said...

deep. like a reef, dude. like a reef...

Tish said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and Kowboi! :)